samedi 25 juillet 2009

robotic and design

I wanted to confront those two images because there an interesting question about the robot and the design. The reference was from the begining the human shape and recnt research are turning to the zoomorph style. As always the fonction make the design. For this reason human shape will probably be abandoned. The reason is humans are building robots to replace human workers, who were never considered as men but machines. In the first video, robot replace the bride, this reminds us the status of women as house wife, old style. Cooking, cleaning,washing, a perfect robot for macho men. The elegance and the fragility of is far from this fake bride.
In the second video, we have a fascinating movement, reminds us why we stay in front of an aquarium, looking at the fish movement. Looking even at industrial robot is also hypnotic.It's an open design, a fantastic bestiary, directly conected to our imagination.